

Web Devloper | Problem Solver

Transforming Ideas into Seamless Digital Experiences


What do you want to know?

Candidate with a strong academic background pursuing a Bachelor of Technology in Information Technology (8.3 CGPA) and practical experience as a Software Engineering Intern at ConsultAdd Inc, specializing in React.js web development and gaining exposure to AWS.

Software Engineering Intern

ConsultAdd Inc, Pune
  • Implemented lazy loading in a ReactJS e-commerce app, cutting loading time to 450 ms and greatly enhancing user experience in a service project.
  • Developed RESTful APIs using Spring Boot, gaining hands-on experience with various AWS services during internship training

Open-Source Project Maintainer

The Wall of Projects
  • Spearheaded creation and maintenance of open-source web app fostering beginner contributions, hosting 50 projects, engaging 45 contributors, and amassing 65 forks and 45 stars.
  • Successfully attracted a vibrant community, with the project garnering 2200+ visitors, 230+ commits, 75+ pull requests, and the closure of 20+ issues in the past month.

Bachelor of Technology

Jawaharlal Institute of Technology, Borawan
  • Branch - Information Technology
  • Score - 8.3 CGPA

Senior Secondary

Govt. Higher Secondary School, Dawana
  • Stream - Mathematics ( MP Borad )
  • Score - 80%


Passionate about 'learning by doing,' I approach projects with a hands-on mindset, actively seeking opportunities to apply and expand my knowledge in real-world scenarios.

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Developed a robust web application with Firebase for seamless user authentication, TMDB API for dynamic movie content, and Redux for efficient state management. Implemented OpenAI's GPT search API for enhanced movie exploration, and utilized Tailwind CSS for a responsive and user-friendly UI design.

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Explored web app functionalities, using CoinGecko API for real-time crypto data in the project. Implemented React features: infinite scroll, pagination, form validation and Coin Search for practical learning experience.

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Moviezz is a web application that replicates the Netflix experience, providing real-time movie data and a user-friendly interface for seamless movie and TV show exploration.

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web app using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, transforming text into emoji-encoded messages. Enhanced user experience with encryption algorithms and an intuitive UI.

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Developed a C++ Supermarket Billing System with file handling for efficient product management and data storage, streamlining the billing process.

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Developed and showcased multiple JavaScript projects, including a Color Changer, BMI Calculator, Digital Clock, and Number Guess game.

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JavaScript game where a soldier avoids incoming fires, demonstrating real-time interaction and dynamic scoring with animation enhancements.


Coding Profiles

Active participant on LeetCode with 650+ problems solved, maintaining a consistent coding streak for over 200 days. Achieved a 3-star rating on CodeChef and participated in 65+ coding contests.


Achieved a 650+ coding problem solving milestone with a consistent 200+ days of coding streak, showcasing strong problem-solving skills and dedication.

Full Profile

GitHub is my daily learning and code showcase, where I commit to continuous growth and share my passion for coding.

Full Profile

LinkedIn is my daily learning journal, a platform where I showcase progress, and connect with like-minded professionals.

Full Profile

Where I hone my coding and problem-solving skills, tackling a variety of challenges and competitions.

Full Profile

Technical Languages

Proficient in C++ for efficient application development, skilled in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for frontend web development, and competent in SQL for effective database management.






Framework & Library

"Skilled in building web applications with React.js, utilizing Redux Toolkit, Axios, and Context API for state management, alongside Bootstrap for responsive and user-friendly design."


Redux Tooltik


Context API

Tailwind CSS


Interested in exploring collaborations or opportunities aligned with my skills? Reach out to connect, and let's discuss how we can work together to create something exceptional.

  • Barwani MP, India 451660

  • +91 62xxxx6023

  • eng.ashwin01@gmail.com